Sunday, January 22, 2012

Let's try this again....

Alrighty!  I really am gonna try this again.  I want to be good at blogging, I just don't think of it often.

We are back in Utah!!! Triple YAY!  I am loving being back around family and around familiar places.  I am now mobile too!  We bought a minivan...WHAT?!?!  Did I just say that?  Uh sure did, we bought a minivan and I gotta say now that I am 7 months pregnant and having a hard time lifting the twins, uh Creigh mostly, it has been fabulous.  They can get in and out all by themselves.  I can strap them in super easily and we got an older model that has all the bells and whistles.  Never thought I would love having a minivan, but I do.

Steve has been working in Atlanta, Georgia for the last 2 1/2 weeks.  I am so beyond ready for him to be home.  Thankfully he is on the long drive back now and should be here tomorrow afternoon.  I have not enjoyed being a single parent.  I am exhausted and the twins need their daddy here.   They have had a really hard time adjusting to a new place and not having daddy here, they have been SUPER needy and clingy and it has about driven me completely nuts!  They freak out when I leave the room.  They think I am leaving them.  It has taken a toll on all of us. 

Steve is no longer working for the alarm company.  We stressed over quiting because it pays so well but we felt like Heavenly Father was telling us not to go out to North Carolina.  Steve's boss was so wishy washy with things that we felt really uncomfortable about it.  While he was in Georgia several things happened that confirmed to us that we made the right choice leaving that company even though we are taking a huge cut in pay.. Steve will be working with a realtor that has started to flip houses and needs someone to do the remodels.  He has also applied for several other jobs, one in particular that we are hoping for. Let's keep our fingers crossed and our prayers full of purpose.    We are sure that Heavenly Father will guide us to the right job.

This pregnancy is going pretty well.  Our little guy has a good solid heartbeat and seems very active.  I can't wait to meet him, and not just because my body hates being pregnant :).
I have put a little too much stress on my body the last couple of weeks doing everything myself.  Had some Braxton Hicks contractions and shooting pains in the lower stomach muscles.  It's a good thing these little ones are so worth what we put our bodies through.

Well, that is enough for tonight.  I will try to get some Christmas pics up tomorrow.

Today I am thankful for bedtime.